Well, after a lousy week last week here is some good news, at least for the
First, Laurie Long and I have joined forces, officially.  We are going
by Ferrets Unlimited/The Raisin Retreat Ferret Shelter.  (Ain't that a
long one!)
We have incorporated, and I got a call today from the IRS.  By the end of
June we will be officially tax exempt.  501 (3) (c).  That means, no more
sales tax on the ferret stuff!!  (Heck, that can save a bunch) It also
means all donations to the shelter are a tax deduction.
What a concept, help a shelter, get a deduction on your taxes.  <G>
I told the IRS agent, if I could, I would climb thought the phone and kiss
him.  (At least he laughed!)
Well that is it.
Hug all the fur angels.
Ferrets Unlimited/The Raisin Retreat
Ferret Shelter
PS  Julie from Japan friends designed a logo for the shelter, and we now
have T-shirts available with the logo on it.  (Hint hint)  Really cute
logo, three sleeping babies with the name of the shelter ringing it.
Thanks again Julie.
[Posted in FML issue 2707]