I just thought I'd post something odd about my fuzzies.  I have two
ferrets, boy and girl (just under a year).  The boy dooks occasionally
when roughhousing.  Well, a couple weeks ago ferret math overwhelmed me
and forced me to bring home a gorgeous baby hob.  When I first brought
him home - this baby was loud!  He'll go from a dook to almost a screech.
No, there's no health problems, nor is he deaf.  He just really needs
attention, either human or ferret.  However, now after almost three weeks
of ownership, the baby only dooks while wrestling (although still quite
loudly).  But my older boy now almost continuously makes the dooking noise
when he's out.  Whether he is snuffling in the laundry pile, pouncing on
the baby, or just sneaking along the edges of the living room!  It's a low,
soft sound, but is just fascinating.  My little girl never makes a squeak,
except for a polite sneeze once in a while.  I met a fellow ferret lover
who had about four ferrets at the time, and none of hers dooked!  I also
have owned a couple ferrets many years before, and they did not dook
either.  So, I'm just wondering...is it more common to dook, or not to
[Posted in FML issue 2706]