I just wanted to write back about my original post on Samson yesterday.
I've been getting some emails that make it sound like they do not believe
me when I said that I adopted him with his stiches still in.  Yup, they
were still in, and the shelter (I honestly don't remember it's name)
wouldn't pay for their removal.  They did give me a certificate for a free
vaccination (he needed his yearly rabies the week after I adopted him) at a
vet, that "isn't good with ferrets at all.  Don't go to him for visits, but
the free vaccination is worth it" (or something to that affect).  I wasn't
really asked any questions other than "do you have ferrets now?" (someone
had mentioned to me shelters application forms and interviews).  They also
asked me if I knew how to clean ferrets ears, because Samson produces a lot
of wax.  I haven't heard from the shelter since (I had moved at the time
and accidentally gave them my wrong new home phone number), but I guess it
really isn't one I'd want to deal with again...
The heat here (NY) the last couple of days has been unbearable.  Our AC
isn't too powerful, so we have 3 fans on the litte guys.  I've been misting
them with a spray bottle (which they *love*) throughout the day, and they
usually then go plop down in front of one of the fans to cool off.  The
other animals in the house (including us humans) are feeling the heat,
too....hope this passes soon.
Not too long ago in Modern Ferret, in one of "Ralph's Reviews" they
reviewed a cat house.  Does anyone remember this?  Was it made by Doskocil?
Anyone have experience with this?  I want to buy the kids something to play
on, but I'm sure after plopping the bucks down, they'll just play with
their cardboards houses instead.  *Sigh* That's fuzzies for ya!
Well, time to let the monkies out.  Take care!
Jaymi and the Dorks (Leroy, Petra, Samson, Calvin, Heidegger, and Joe)
RIP Bubba, Bear, Kirby, and Oppie
[Posted in FML issue 2705]