One day I came home from work and let the ferrets out of their pen.  They
have full roam of the house whenever we are home.  Anyway, I was in the
kitchen putting away dishes when all of the sudden I heard a strange noise
in my bedroom.  So, I ran into my bedroom to find a very sneezy ferret
(Gizmo) underneathe my dresser.  He was sneezing soo hard that he was
banging his head on the dresser.  I quickly grabbed him and began putting
water around/on his little nose, because I thought that he ran across some
dust or something underneathe the dresser.  He stopped for about 2 seconds
and then continued to sneeze uncontrollably again.  I have never seen him
sneeze this violently before, so I panicked and wasn't thinking clearly.  I
put water around his nose again and it helped for about 2 seconds.  Once
again, violent sneezing and some gaging.  He stopped sneezing for about a
second, so I took a look at his nose to make sure that nothing was stuck in
his nose.  Well, I saw a little tiny hair sticking out of his nose, so I
attempted to pull it out.  He began sneezing again and again!  I finally
was able to get the NOT so tiny hair out of his nose.  The hair must have
been 3 inches long!  The poor little guy was soo relieved after that and
never did sneeze again.
Melanie and the gang (Gizzy, Normie, and Moser)
[Posted in FML issue 2704]