Dooks to everyone, and condolences to all who've lost their babies.  Bob,
I didn't get to send you a private message, but I'm really sorry about
I've been reading about the Farot (tarot) cards and all I can do is quietly
crack up.  Now, picture this: Ferrets reading ferret tarot cards.  Do you
realize how long that would last before the 'reader' laid the card down and
the 'readee' swiped the card????  Do you realize how small the cards would
be for the ferret to hold????  A reading would never be accomplished!
Besides ferret tarot, dressing one up with a little turban on the head
like Johnny Carson used to do as "The Great CARNAC" would be a hoot.
For those knocking the tarot cards, puhleez, LIGHTEN UP here.  I knew a
lady who read the cards (she did readings for me) and she was wonderful!
She never used it with any ill intent in mind, and no, I do not believe
anyone who has this talent is evil, etc.  So, why don't we all just calm
down about the tarot card thing and roll with the fun of it?  Whatever can
help further the cause the the critters we love so much I'm all for.
I work for professors who are also DVMs, and I had one ask me why I wanted
a wild animal for a pet!  It blew my mind.  I laughed and asked him if he
really knew how long the ferret had been domesticated, plus they are NOT
wild animals.
For the lady asking about the chicken gravy.  Once you mix up and freeze
your gravy, yes, it probably is cheaper than kibble (depending on what you
feed).  As for how long it will last for one ferret, probably a good
length.  When I started to feed ours the gravy only Socks would eat it.
Well, that's all changed and now I have the 7 monsters vying for plate
space!  Genie is the pig of all----she stretches across the plate and
blocks till she's done.  It may take a while for your fuzzy to eat it,
but once the little bugger realizes how wonderful it is for them, there'll
be no holding back.
Barbara, your story about Emmett was wonderful.
I forgot the lady who noticed strange bumps in freshly made beds, and other
activities of the unexplained.  Happens all the time around our house--
we're just under the spell of ferrets!
Hug your babies, even if they do a taste test on you.  They love you as
much as you do them.
Rebecca & the other 2 human slaves
Socks--Hey, mom---more gravy please!
Kit--I'm eating as delicately as I can
Genie--Hold still while I bite you again, mom!  I know your my own private
chew toy
Scully---Mom!  Tell 'em to quit dragging me around
Suzy Derkins--Look at me-I'm cute
Calvin--yo, momma--bring yer nose a little closer so's I can grab it again
Mookie---Aw dad, whaddaya mean I can't bite your ear and steal your glasses
Rebecca McFarlane
Basic Medical Sciences
School Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1246
Phone:   765-494-8632
Fax:     765-494-0781
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 2704]