I don't have any good information for you, but an almost identical illness
took one of my ferrets about six years ago.
Sidney was 7.5 years old and in great health for an old guy.  Never had an
adrenal problem or Insulinoma.  One saturday he seemed to be favoring his
right rear leg.  We immediately went to the vet who performed x-rays and
assorted other diagnosis and came up empty-handed.  We were to visit the
vet a number of times in the next couple days, with the same results.
We took Sid home and the paralysis subsequently progressed to the other
leg, then to the front legs, until he was totally paralyzed.  This happened
in a matter of days.  From in seemingly good health on Friday to having to
be put to sleep the following Wednesday.
We did not have a necropsy done on Sidney.  Although I know it would have
been the thing to do, I just could not bring myself to allow them to cut
him up, even in death.
We assume it was a blood clot, but will never know for sure.
For the ferrets,
* Michael F. Janke, [log in to unmask]
* Secretary, South Florida Ferret Club & Rescue
* A 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation
* Visit our shelter's web site:
* Visit the Adrenal/Insulinoma web site:
[Posted in FML issue 2704]