>>Alicia <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>Tarot for ferrets at the Re-Union " Teddy Bear Picnic"
>Most ferrets I've known are much too smart to believe in things like this.
>Most ferret owners I've met would prefer to donate money without some kind
>of superstition as pretext.
Oh come on now!  Cripes sakes alive..... What is the problem Urbana?  Did
one of the ferrets pee in your cheerio's this morning or what?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to make raising funds a
little fun.  It really works.
In general people like to have fun here in the US, don't know how it is
where you are from...
Leave Alicia alone, and let her do what she does so well... Care for
Ferrets that no one else is willing to care for.
Just my opinion,
Ron AKA Fuzzie Dad
Spaz, Rascal, Treble, Cocoa, Screech, Moose, & Charlotte
awaiting General Havoc
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[Posted in FML issue 2702]