O.k.  It took me nearly 4 weeks to set up my new site.  Damon has had to
put up with me sitting up until 2 in the morning working on this thing and
then waking him with questions. :)
Through much sweat, tears, pain, and typing, my web site is up and is new
and improved...and crunchier than before. :)
Please drop by and tell me what you think.  If you have any problems,
please drop me a line and let me know what the specific problems were.
Also, could I get you all to take a moment to sign the guest book?  I
like to hear from everyone.
I reset the counters as well.  I also plan on joining some other ferret
webrings and dog and cat webrings as well, so you will probably notice
those increasing over the next few days.
The "Cute and Fuzzy" stories on the Ferret Page are updated.  I have gotten
alot of emails about that and just wanted to let you folks who emailed me
to know that they are there.  I let them slide in the process of trying to
get the site updated.
Thanks for visiting...
April Gallaty
PS.  There are new pictures up too!
[Posted in FML issue 2702]