I am sorry for the long post but I would like to try and help since I know
the position you are in.  I just read the posting on the FML.  Boy does
this ferret sound like mine..maybe it is her twin.  I have a 5 month old
female Blaze, her name is Ali.  I adopted her from the shelter and she is
about 5 months old.  She came with a litter of 8 and was never held by
humans and was ready to be put down when the shelter rescued her and her
litter mates.  Anyway, ALi is a biter that hangs on for dear life and
always draws blood.  I have had her for almost two months now and she
seems to be getting better..here are some of the things I tried.
Scruffing didnt seem to work..it only pissed her off (I think she is blind
too and doesnt like to be picked up much).  When I go to pick her up I
would scruff her and grip her with my three fingers (thumb, pointer,
middle) grasping her head firmly.  This prevents ferret from biting you.
As I was holding my ferret I would give her a special treat, pet her and
talk softly to her.  When the ferret squirms or bites do not let go (I know
this is hard when tears are flowing form the pain) but that is what the
ferret wants--to be released.  Bitter apple was dessert to my ferret so I
needed something much stronger.  I mixed up vinegar and water (2cups
vinegar and 3 parts water) and covered my body in it.  This smells terrible
and the ferrets hate it and will not bite..also trying keeping shoes on and
long sleeves on when dealing with the ferret.  The less skin showing the
less chance of being attatcked :)
Now, when the ferret acts like she is going to bite I put my finger in
front of her nose (or tap her on it since I think she is blind) and tell he
"NO BITE!"  This sends her into her war dance and she runs off.  I used to
scruff her and tell her "no bite" in the beginning and now she is at the
point where I say it and she knows I mean BUSINESS.  If she stil continues
to bite I put her in time out for five minutes (in her cage) while the
others play.  Anyway, I hope this helps you and your ferret family to live
a more peaceful coexistence.  If you have any more questions please feel
free to email me.
[Posted in FML issue 2702]