We are baby sitting for our daughter's 2 dogs.  A 4 year old Pug, and a 12
week old Boston Terrier.  I introduced the Boston to my 2 ferrets, and then
the fun began.  The Boston would terrorize one or the other of the ferrets
while the Pug ignored them.  The Boston would grab hold of a ferret tail
and pull them around on the ceramic tile floor.  The ferrets kept coming
back for more.  When the ferrets wanted a rest, they went to their ferret
freeway, & when they came out, they would go for the Boston.  Needless to
say, after an hour or so of Boston romping, my 2 fuzzies were worn out,
but happy as hogs!
This experience is more fun than a barrel of ferrets!
DOOK   DOOK   DOOK!!!!!!!!   Dennis in Houston
[Posted in FML issue 2702]