I don't usually post but I have a couple of questions for the group that
have been floating around in my head for a couple of days.
I have a 5 year old (guesstimated age by the vet) female ferret going in to
have 2 teeth removed.  Despite having a dental cleaning in the fall (?)
these teeth have gone rotten and need to come out.  The extraction is
scheduled for Friday.
1. Should they do bloodwork on her prior?  If so, what do I ask them to do
and when?
2. The vet tech making the appointment said to fast her from 8 pm on the
night before.  Usually my vet doesn't operate until late morning or even
early afternoon.  I will be dropping her off at 8 am.  What is an
appropriate fast for surgery?  Seems to me that anything over 4 hours is
dangerous based on what I've read here.
Cece (do they make ferret dentures?)
Teddy (keeping the world safe from those free roaming bands of socks)
Sidney (biting is a perfectly acceptable form of communication)
Jack (what do you mean I can't play in the silverware drawer?!)
Angel (I'm the baby...gotta love me)
Sasha-waiting at the Bridge (Well in *my* day we didn't have Cheweasels.
You chewed on a stinky old shoe....and you liked it)
[Posted in FML issue 2701]