I would like to personally apologize to Lisa for replying to what she wrote
as i did on the FML.  I try not to get hurt over things I have no control
over, and should not have gotten torn up when I read that Lisa thought it
was ridiculous to actually set aside 60 cents a day for ferret shelters.
I am really sorry.  I should just have gone for a walk.  But I have been
setting aside money every day when I come home, and put it in a container
by my door for years now.  To write that it is ridiculous to take money out
of your wallet or purse every day so a ferret shelter can stay in business
was so insulting.  I've written on FML that I do it, that it is a good way
for kids to learn to give to other than themselves, and an easy way to
consistently be there for your shelter.
I went through the day hearing "ridiculous" play over and over in my mind
and thought of how Mary from F.A.I.R.  is over $12,000.  in debt now from
having to care for 50 sick ferrets that people dumped on her, and that no
one would take.
And when Lisa wrote that "given that I need to live pretty strictly within
my budget, spending the extra $200.00 for a ferret would mean I'd have to
do without food for a month."-------I assumed that she would starve to
death if she didn't eat for a month, and that she therefore wouldn't have
$200.00 extra for ferret care if necessary unless she starved.
I got myself so upset, I even thought she said she wanted 5 ferrets.  But
she clearly said she already had 5.Talk about blinded by emotions!
Anyway, I feel like an over emotional idiot, am rambling [me andChewy at
emergency vet til 3 A.M.] and I sincerely hope my apology is accepted.
[Posted in FML issue 2701]