This was why I didn't want to get into the ferret pricing discussion...I
read my FML today and find the implication that I'm not worthy of owning
a ferret.
>I'm not too certain as to why Lisa needed to respond to part of what I
>wrote days ago on something that is my personal dream as though I was
>making it a law, and then left out the following line that I wrote which
>was "Being responsible in this particular way was just My dream for the
>ferrets."  But Lisa, you are one of the reasons why I have this dream.
It was two days ago, and since I was away from the computer for a couple of
days, I was just getting to the three FML's that built up while I was away.
And I responded to one paragraph of your post, a paragraph I cut and pasted
in its entirety, and which didn't include that particular line.
>You have made it clear that you can't afford to save $ one year.
I never said that.  What I said was an extra $200 tacked to the purchase
price of a ferret would put ferrets out of the range of some people who
have to manage their money more carefully than those who are lucky enough
not to have to scrimp and save.  As for the rest of this paragraph, which
I'm not pasting in the interest of length, I can assure you that I -do-
budget for the care of my five ferrets.  As for emergency/catastrophic vet
care, I'm lucky enough to have a vet who knows me well, as both myself and
my family have taken our pets to him for years.  If, gods forbid, anything
were to happen to any of the ferrets that required care in excess of my
available funds, my vet will work out a payment plan with me.  It might
take me awhile to pay the bills, but they -will- be paid, and my fuzzies
will -not- lack care.
>So you know you won't have even $200.  a year extra and bring home a
>living being that by your own admission, looking at the expenses involved
>of having a fert, you can't afford to care for, are thinking of bringing
>home more, and are upset with me.!!???
>Yep.  You are one of the million or so reasons why I Have to dream.
Again, I never said that.  I was using the fact that $200 is my average
monthly grocery bill as an example to counter the "breaking down to the
ridiculous" tactic that you used in your post.  I never said I couldn't
afford to care for my existing ferrets.  I was merely pointing out what I
saw as flaws in your logic.  And I resent the implication that I am an
irresponsible pet owner.  As I've said, I budget for the care of my pets.
I know that I will have vet care available should they need it.  And yes, I
do plan to have ferrets all my life, so I am "thinking of bringing home
more"...but not until my circumstances change.  I am neither irresponsible
or foolish...despite what you might like to think...and I won't take on any
more pets than I can comfortably afford to care for.  I am replying to your
post because I resent the public implication that I am a bad pet owner, but
I ask that any further replies be addressed to me personally.  Thank you.
It's hard to be religious when certain people
are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.
~"Calvin and Hobbes" by Bill Watterson
[Posted in FML issue 2699]