I forwarded my adrenal baby special hammock (made for hairless ferrets) to
Barbara at South Florida Shelter along with a few of the carrier hammocks
(made especially to tie into carriers at the right level to make a second
floor, purpose to rock them while being driven rather than slamned against
the sides of the carrier - some people make left turns on two left wheels
(not Barbara thou) .  I have to share her response with you: quote "
The Kids and I.....(or should that be "The Kings--and Queens--and I"?).....
were just sooooooo exhausted from the oooohing and aaaaahing and major
happenings/discussions that went on here yesterday after opening your
package!  Now, where do we begin.... Of course, first and foremost: THANK
The first sleep sack to greet our beady, excited little eyes was simply
GORGEOUS!  The beautiful tapestry patterned exterior and the elegant soft
velvety green interior was truly fit for ROYALTY!!!  ("We are not worthy,
we are not worthy".....oh, great and beneficient Noble Cleaning Crew!)
Then, I started having fuzzies calling in "sick"....
"Oh, Mommy, I don't feel so good today!  May *I* sleep in the new, warm
 specially made sleep sack?"
"Mom....MY tummy hurts--I think I had too much Nutrical and Cheerios
 this morning...I need to lay down!"
"Mommy Dearest, I'm very old and feeling my age today...I think need
 some extra bedrest."
"Hey, I feel kinda cold today, Mom!"
 Well, you get the idea!!!
So we had to have a MAJOR family discussion: It was decided, MERLE would
get to use the "Queen/King-For-A-Day" bed FIRST (he's a hospice, inoperable
cancer Kid...who needs lots of extra care...and he is starting to lose his
hair---but it's more a Friar Tuck look---all on the top of his head!).  In
fact, I took a photo of MERLE enjoying the tapestry sack's kingly comforts
last night.  Then, unless another very sickly Kid needs to use it, the
Tapestry sleep sack will be used as a Special Incentive for the others to
keep their condos clean (food stays in food dish; blankies stay up in the
bedroom areas NOT dragged down into the litter box; and poopies IN the
poopie box, etc.) and whatever group and/or individual with the cleanest
cage each week will get their "reward" with access to the Tapestry Sack!
Then, I took out each of the little hammocks and displayed them out on the
floor of the Ferret Room for further inspection.....each one so different
and colorful.  And two terrific Texas themes...cactus and cow pattern!  Too
COOL!!!  And a very feminine, dainty almost silken flowered patterned...all
the girls just kept going back to that one!!  Alot of the BIG boys, walked
away in a huff...."Hmmph!  Sissy stuff and way too small for US!  We are
Bigger-Than-Texas-Type-He-Men"...Mom will need to put all four of them
together to give US enough room!"
Then, the real young 'uns started grabbing hammocks by the soft, leathery
type hanging straps and using them as four-way-tug-o-war toys!!!!  YIKES!
This place was outta control yesterday....and as we have seen Miss Millie
readily admit in writing already, "She just CREATES the mess....doesn't
clean it up!!!" Well, everyone was in an upraoar here yesterday....NO
WONDER I fell asleep exhausted!!!!  But we did have FUN...and we ALL thank
Miss Millie and the Noble Cleaning Crew for their largesse.  One further
teeny, tiny request though: Any chance of getting just ONE more of the
Extraordinary Royal Treatment Tapestry Sleep Sacks?  Here is the EXACT
measurement I need though: 36" (width) by 5'6" tall?  <g> "End of Quote
Millie and her tape measuring, cuttin em up, laying em out Noble
Cleaning Crew
Easy Off:  the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  Next time, I think I want to go to Barbara's and show em how
the cow eats the cabbage
Cascade:  They weren't eating them dummy, they just didn't know what to
do with em.
Ajax:  Da, why da you think dem boys tought dey were sissy stuff, I dot
a pink one with ruffles on dit
Dizzy:  That's not yours Ajax, and you were told to stay out of Prell's
hammock, remember that operation a few months back!
Joy:  Humphf, all I want is the basics, if it doesn't let me pouch over
the sides and remains hanging, that's all I need
Prell:  If I do say so, Ms Joy, Grandma hasn't made one with the boxed
in sides yet.
Febreze:  What's the deal with hammocks, they're nicer when they are in
pieces and stuffed under the chair here.
[Posted in FML issue 2698]