Hello all of you fuzzy lovers!
>From:    june batz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Various replys
>CAT NIP, does nothing for ferrets, I would be worried about them ripping
>open one of the toys and inhaling the fine powder or crushed weed.
Our Chumba steals all the cats toys and puts them to bed in her hidey-hole.
She's never shown any affect from the catnip, but we do check these toys
frequently.  If she were to rip them open, the polyester stuffing worries
me a heck of alot more than the catnip inside.
>From:    Margaret Merchant <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Mags Yet Again
>Me: Why are all my boy ferts such dodos?
>He: I think early neutering leads to less development mentally in the male
>Me: :::::grinning wickedly:::::::: Then what is your excuse?
>He: :::::straight faced::::::: Testosterone Poisoning
Hmmm, doesn't that mean that if they are male, they are pretty much doomed
to being dodos, neutered or not???  <evil grin>
>From:    Edward Lipinski Ferrets NorthWest FNW <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Estimating age of found ferrets  ?
>So this is the dilema that a shelter operator faces; that of adopting out a
>ferret that is not what the shelter operator says it is, based on the best
>knowledge he has.  You folks got any ideas for improvement?
Ed, I know there is still alot to be learned about aging a ferret beyond a
year, based on teeth, but I would think that a vet would be able to tell
if a female has been spayed or not from a physical exam.
>From:    Rocky Magnuson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: TP
>The next morning all the TP was shredded.  I told my husband his cat was
Rocky, I got a huge kick out of this, sounds like our conversations about
exactly whose fuzzies they are when they are bad and when they are good.
>From:    "marie i. schatz" <[log in to unmask]>
>So you are actually mad that someone selling a ferret - unaltered I'll
>bet - at an auction LIED to you.  Sorry - not only do I not have any
>sympathy for you but I find it comical - ever bought any swamp land?
Jeez, what an unfriendly and downright nasty thing to say to someone
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: One of a million reasons
>But Lisa, you are one of the reasons why I have this dream.
Well, Lisette, you have just made one too many comments for me to believe
that you aren't an 'elitist' ferret owner, unlike what you posted to Bill
earlier.  Donations to shelters are certainly a noble and worthy cause,
but everyone has their priorities.  Maybe to Lisa, giving a good home to 5
ferrets who won't wind up in shelters and who will be well cared for is a
priority, or maybe she would prefer to help shelters in another manner.
She didn't mention it specifically, but I'll bet all those things you were
preaching about her needing, such as money for supplies and veterinary care
are a part of her budget.  But you act like just because she doesn't have
enough extra for a $200 donation, she couldn't possibly care for her
ferrets.  I am an officer of our local club which supports our local
shelter.  I give alot of time and work and brainstorming and donations to
our club, but if it came down to taking care of my own brood, humans and
fuzzies alike, or money for the club activities for that month, sorry, home
would win.
As long as a pet owner takes care of their pets, and doesn't contribute to
pet overpopulation, you have no right to judge their right to own said pets
based on whether they are involved with charity causes.  In fact, it's
pretty damn presumptuous of you to even talk about it.
Ok, getting my blood pressure back down now....sorry, I just sometimes get
irritated by some of the holier-than-thou attitudes, although I agree
whole-heartedly with Sukie, this is one of the best forums around!!!!!
Sympathy to all who've endured an illness or loss.
[Posted in FML issue 2698]