Heard the decision on the news.  Steve and I are so very sorry that such a
miscarriage of justice could happen.  Have heard the supposition that what
is at the base of it is that there is a power struggle for some territory
between the Health Dept. and the City Council, with the Health Dept.
wanting wider powers, but I have absolutely NO idea if that is true or
merely someone's interpretation.  Anyone know?  Whatever the situation I
sincerely hope that the N.Y. City Council will consider the FACTS and
legalize ferrets -- after the Health Dept.  just banned them today in
opposition to the facts, and against the recommendations of the ASPCA and
other humane groups, as well as ferret groups and vets.  Ferrets weren't
alone, either.  They banned a whole range of pets, some with cause and
some without.
[Posted in FML issue 2726]