I never thought I'd see the day I would be disagreeing with Bob Church...
well, sort-of anyway.
Regarding Ed...
Keep in mind, I consider myself a 150%, card-carrying member of the ACLU,
freedom of speech extremist.  BUT, as you (Bob C.) yourself mentioned, this
is a mailing list about FERRETS.  I think (as I think many others on the
list probably do) that some of the "issues" Ed brings up are only in the
most peripheral sense "about" ferrets and really about other subjects (ie,
women giving birth to other species, eating unusual carnivores, etc.) and
appear to be clearly INTENDED to provoke the list.  I think if anyone else
besides Ed posted these kind of messages, they might not be allowed in the
first place (I may be wrong, but I think BIG has bent over so far backward
for Ed that he must have a live-in chiropracter).
For instance, If I were to post my personal musings about abductions by
extra-terrestrials and and then mentioned that I thought my ferrets had
been abducted, I would hope my message would not be posted; not because it
is outrageous or controversial, but because the responses it would elicit
would have little or nothing to do with ferrets and a lot to do with
people's belief (or disbelief ) in extra-terrestrials.  In other words, I
don't think just ANY personal rumination, even if it is obtusely related to
ferrets, is appropriate for this forum.  There are plenty of other forums
(thank goodness for free speech on the internet!) for everyone's personal
preferences (I belong to a straw bale house list, a pre-columbian languages
list, and a Yamaha motorcycle list in addition to the FML).
I guess It just feels (notice I said "feels") like Ed sits back and wonders
what he can say next to offend or baffle fellow FML readers and then
remembers to insert the word "ferret" into his post somewhere in order to
make sure it gets through.
You (Bob) have certainly expounded some pretty controversial stuff on this
list, but I don't think anyone doubts your sincerity or thinks you are JUST
out to "stir things up."
Finally, let me unequivocally state that I am NOT promoting Ed be banned
from the list (actually, MOST of his posts are on topic).  Perhaps his off
topic/inflammatory "musings" should not even be removed (only BIG can make
that decision).  BUT I certainly don't think he should be excused so
easily.  I only wish outraged and irritated FML'ers would simply NOT
RESPOND to his clearly off-the-wall posts since angry responses probably
only increase his sense of importance and encourage him to post more
(learned in FlameBaiters 101)!!
Pocha in Ca
[Moderator's note: True, I usually would rather err on the side of letting
too much information through than to prevent people from having their say,
but the decision-making process is constantly being refined.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2725]