Hey everyone just thought I'd let you know, Duck Soup is great!  Sammy just
got back from the vets & he's gained 8 oz (feedings around the clock might
have something to do with it too).  The vet removed his staples today,
everything looks great.  His strength is starting to come back & he can
even walk to go to the bathroom now :)
Now, if I could just get him to eat something besides Duck Soup LOL :)  I'm
in the process of weaning him off of the Duck Soup, by using less Sustacal
& more water with his food.  I really hope this works.  Thanks for all your
advice & help.  I really appreciated it.
Oh, his panting has stopped so I guess it was anxiety from everything he'd
gone through.
Peggy :)
[Posted in FML issue 2725]