Hello everyone.  To shelter operators: I have been wondering if it's okay
to donate items such as USED old t-shirts, sweat pants, towels (washed of
course!), used toys, etc.  to shelters?  I've never really been sure if
"used" was okay and recently read about the shelter in NC that had asked
for used items.  So that prompted me to ask.  I have thought about sending
items in the past but didn't want to offend anyone because they're used,
not new, store-bought items.  I occasionally buy toys that are ignored or
not used by my ferrets and would gladly send them, they're just not in the
original package anymore.  Thank you!
My prayers are with all the sick ferrets out there and owners of recently
passed ferrets!
Susan and my four sons,
Zeus, Thor, Arthur, and Oscar
[Posted in FML issue 2724]