Last night I left Shiloh and Amadeus loose in the living room while I sat
out in the hallway (because I was coloring my hair and didn't want to
subject the woozles to the chemicals).
I remembered hearing Shiloh busily scratching at the plexiglas barrier but
kind of tuned her out because she does it all the time.  After a few
minutes I got up to check the time and discovered the barrier had shifted
a little.  Now, Shiloh's really little and really persistent.  As in the
past, she had managed to pry the corner up and away enough for her to
shimmy through.  Not so bad you say.
Ah, but I had both front and back doors open to catch all possible breezes
(hot and humid in PA these days).  I live on the second floor of an
apartment building.  The front door has a space under it that I know she
could slip under easily, and the back door (which has a rip in the screen)
leads out to an enclosed fire escape staircase that goes all the way to the
ground...where the lady who lives downstairs always keeps the door open!
I wrapped my head in a towel and went down the fire escape.  I figured that
had to be her route of escape because Tess (beloved corgi-cross) was lying
on the floor next to my chair the whole time and would have noticed if
Shiloh had routed through the hallway to use the front door.  Heck, I might
have even heard her bouncing along (if she wardanced in glee).
It was about 9:30 and there was only a little natural light left...and
none from the outside light seeing as it was burnt out.  I went back for
my flashlight, my cordless phone, and a cannister of treats to shake.  I
walked around the back of the building.  No grass, just cracked and broken
concrete with lots of potential hiding places (boo hiss!).  I looked for
disturbances in the dirt to indicate that Shiloh had been there.
Under the fire escape were a couple of radiators leaning against a wall and
a large wood panel that made access difficult.  Every time by I flashed my
light in there and shook the treat can.  No Shiloh.
With a heavy heart I called Chris Sayne and she tried to comfort me and
give advice.  Everything she suggested, I'd tried.  She told me that Barb
Carlson had a "have a heart" trap...that maybe she could bring it over.
So I called Barb.  It was now 10:00 pm.  Barb said she would look for the
trap and call me back.  In the meantime Barb suggested I take the phone,
flashlight, squeaky toy, and treats out to the back and just sit there,
which I did.  While I was there, I spoke to one neighbor in the alleyway
and another on the street who promised to keep an eye out Shiloh.
When Barb called back to say she'd found the trap I did another quick
circle of the suspected point of exit and returned inside to empty Shiloh's
favorite closet in the hopes that she'd chosen to go there instead.  I had
half the stuff out when Barb showed up with the trap.  She showed me how it
worked and then said "I'd like to see this fire escape" so I took her
there.  I walked down first, calling Shiloh's name.  About the time I hit
the last step I heard Barb hushing me.  When Barb hit the ground I heard an
"oh, ho!" and turned around to see Barb lean down and scoop up my darling
I now suspect she was behind the radiators and had never really left the least I hope that's all the further she got because I think
of all the detrius in the back and shudder to think of her getting trapped
under broken concrete, bricks, roofing tiles, and lumber w/ rusty nails.
Shiloh was dusty and dirty and seemed kind of bewildered.  She didn't seem
particularly happy to see me, but I sure was happy to see her!  I hugged
and kissed her dusty head and gave Barb a hug in thanks.
When we got back upstairs I put Shiloh in with Amadeus and thanked Barb
again and let her go home.  Her time of exit, 10:55.
Shiloh's adventure lasted an hour and a half, but I suspect I've aged
significantly more.
Before going to bed myself I gave Shiloh a bath and let her play in some
towels in the bathtub.  I picked up the sodden pile of towels and draped
them over the rod to dry and took Shiloh in the living room to cuddle for
a few minutes before putting her to bed.
Then, this morning Amadeus decided he needed his share of center stage.
When I picked up Shiloh to put in the cage I saw Amadeus laying on the
floor near my desk.  When I went for him, he was gone!  He'd hidden, the
little stinker, and wouldn't come out.  It took Tess and I 15 minutes to
lure him out from his hidey hole with invitations to play (Tess) and a
cheweasel (me).
Phew!  Not a 12 hour span I'd care to repeat any time soon!  Maggie, I
feel for you and Ammonia...and all those other separated fuzzies and their
Pat (suffering from post-traumatic stress)
Tess (geeze, mom, what do you mean I was no help?)
Shiloh (well, at first it was fun...but who turned out the lights?)
Amadeus (why didn't you take me with you when you went looking?
She would have come to me!)
[Posted in FML issue 2722]