Hi all!
Well the second day here for (Miss) Roger!  She has a decided preference
for TF which I am happy for - given that I was told she only ate IAMS
kitten food and an off-brand ferret food.  The only thing is that I've had
to rescue her from having the TF stuck in the roof of her mouth - it seems
to be the same shape and wedges in there to the point I had to pry it out.
I think I remember that were a few others that had this problem on occasion
and I wonder if it is significant enough to write TF and let them know
this.  Would you post either to the list or to me privately and I will
tally up the results and see whether it should be an area of concern.
Roger is settling in, but hasn't made friends yet with Meep or Daisy.  I
think we are past Daisy wanting to "kill" her, now they both back up when
they see each other - kind of taking each other's measure.  Roger and Meep
will sniff each other and seem tolerant at least.  I feel better after this
morning that it is only a matter of time before we live in a semi-peaceful
state (after all it's ferrets I'm talking about!).  Once they quit scaring
Roger I am going to work on the litterbox training with her.  I decided the
first priority was to get them all to co-exist together.
Still need to come up with a new name for Roger..............
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Meep, Daisy, and Roger (the girl)
[Posted in FML issue 2722]