THANK YOU all SO MUCH for your prayers for Felicia to get better.  I've
tried to send personal thanks to all of you who have written to her so far.
Your messages have been so sweet that I have cried each time I read them to
I am still giving her soft food, water, and pedialyte by hand every 3-4
hours, and she does still have a good appetite.  In fact, last time we
weighed in at the vet, she had actually gained a little bit of weight.  But
she still has no energy -- the poor dear still makes it to the litterbox,
but has no energy to climb back out and I have to lift her out and clean
her bottom for her and tuck her back into her blankets.  I have been giving
her a 1/4 of baby aspirin twice or three times a day and the fever broke
the first night I tried this -- it fell to 102.6, but then it rose back up
to 104 within four hours after checking her temp the first time.  I have
still been giving her aspirin, but this morning, her temp had risen so that
it was off the scale, about 107.  She's had this fever for a week now.  I
have been trying to bring down her fever manually with cool washcloths and
ice bottles wrapped in the socks she usually loves to steal, but nothing
seems to be working.  Her vet has been wonderful and the other night spent
time telephoning other ferret-knowledgeable vets for advice.  My SO has
been wonderful and alternates with me for the middle-of-the-night feedings
and pets her and tells her we love her and want her to dance and play
again.  You all have been wonderful with your advice and support and
blessings.  I know she's fighting as hard as she can and I have to have
faith that she will pull through.  I love her so much.  The vet can see her
again in an hour and I'm going to see if there is anything else we can do
to help her.  I just had to write this post to make the hour go by faster.
Thank you.
[Posted in FML issue 2721]