WELL........we adopted a sweet little cuddler today - 8 month old, albino
female, named of all things - Roger.  She will literally lay in our arms
for 30 minutes at a time, I didn't think ferrets (really) did that!  She is
starting "negotiations" with Meep and Daisy, so far Meep looks like he will
accept her (if she'll accept him) and Daisy wants to kill her (or at least
make a serious attempt).  Roger also likes our Sheltie who is wary of
another albino so similar to the one that likes to nip her toes.
A couple of questions.........
So far it would appear that Roger hasn't had a lot of litterbox training,
sometimes not even ending up in a corner - however I'm sure some of that is
due to the excitement of her new home.  Any recommendations on how to train
a "slightly" older ferret?  Anything different?
Does any one have any experience with changing the name of a ferret?  I
don't know how she was blessed with the name Roger, but it really doesn't
fit her at all.  Do you think it would confuse her to change it now?  She
does appear to love to be talked to but I don't see any name recognition as
We decided not to quarantine her any longer as she had been isolated at the
small, local pet store here for over two weeks where she had been left by a
private owner and by all respects appears healthy.  I do want to have the
vet check her over, I am waiting on some formal confirmation that she has
had her shots (a he says, she says situation).  She is a real sweetie and I
just couldn't resist a little ferret who literally hugged my arm and begged
with her eyes when I had to put her back at the pet store day before
Also.......I've heard a lot of discussion on how to tell how young a ferret
is - is there any way to tell how old a ferret might be?  This little gal
has had two owners from the sound of it - and I am not so willing to buy
the Brooklyn Bridge that I won't at least consider that she might be older
than 8 months.  Any telling characteristics?  She seems quite active,
bouncy, etc but the tendency to cuddle really amazes me in that young of a
I'd appreciate any and all comments!
Meep, Daisy, and Roger (the girl)
[Posted in FML issue 2721]