Hi all,this is for those whom have been following the Mass wrecking Crew's
Tales of their ECE bought and Recovery.
As of June 20,our Gang is clear of their self-imposed quarantine after
their Recovery from ECE.
Saturday we went down and picked-up 2 more harnesses for the last of the
Wrecking Crew so we could again have a few furroughs outdoors.
O.K.  For their latest update,all of the wrecking Except 2 have regained
their lost weight;even the Little Princess is looking Terrific once more!
Here's a rectorical question for all Fuzzy Pals;(What is the most hilarious
site you have seen?)
Our PersonaL opinion is watching Mom and Yours Trully attempting to walk
10 fuzzies all at once,on 10 seperate leads and all Deciding the Most
Interesting thing was to be found in Exactly the Opposite direction from
Every one else!
Now we know we were just Asking for it,taking Everyone out at the same
time,but there were Reasons we did this.
First,Princess Neesa Never Wants to Stay out for more than 3 min.!  And
as a course,Chips,Always Goes where Neesa is!  Secondly Lady Gretta also
Always follows Neesa's Lead!  And just because They Hate to be Left out,
and Neesa is the brains of the troupe,the Kid,Smokey follows Chiops and
Neesa,and because he's so Good as Finding So many Interesting things to
do,well the kit Lightening follows Smokey!
Then there's Spice who is Absolutely Convinced we Humons hide the Goodies
in our pocketts,and he just Knows Neesa Always Knows we their at,well he
Also Follows the Pack,and us Humons!
So that only leaves,Cinnamon,Shadow,Kimba,and Rama;and Mom Had ALL of them!
Well,I suppose those of you,who have Suffered from the Highly Contageous
Ferrett Math,can well picture what happened,when a little more than half
of the Wrecking Crew turned and made a Very Rapid Exodus for Home and the
Front door!
Now this by no means is a declaration that our Unusual fuzzies preferre to
Remain in their Rooms,it only means Neesa Prefers to remain Indoors thank
you Very much,but Especially Not Locked -up!
And because She is the LEADER of the Pack,when we'd like to take Everyone
Outside,she Has to go too,and that means No one Stays out for very Long!
We'll try to share more of our friend's Antics with Everyone when we
again,and we Hope thos have sick Babies,they Recover soon,and we offer our
thoughts and prayers to those whose Friends have moved onto the Rainbow
So long from Mom Terry,Karen,and the Mass. Wrecking Crew.
[Posted in FML issue 2718]