Hi again!  First of all, I would like to thank all of you who sent me
emails about my husband's boss and the toilet paper roll incident.  Kirby
is just fine now like nothing ever happened.
I did receive several emails that tactfully and some not so tactfully
advising me to be careful who I let know I have ferrets in California.
Some of those emails were welcomed as they show care for my ferrets and
others were not.  There is nothing like being attacked the first time I
post on the FML.
For those of you curious, I have been a ferret owner for years and have
actively participated with the shelter in the state that I lived in before.
I have worked on educating people about ferrets including vets.  I am very
aware of the laws in California regarding ferrets and have even met Gray
Davis and briefly asked about this whole waste of tax payers dollars.
I would not jeopardize my "kids" here and do not appreciate the few people
who sent me nasty emails about it.  I am cautious about certain things.  As
for the manger at Costco I was so irate with...I would have loved to have
reported him to his boss and given him a few words of my own for 1) not
letting me speak to my own husband and 2) just being plain rude about what
I may find important in my life i.e. ferrets.
I didn't though...I know when to not push the subject where things could
become much worse.
When it comes to our babies, my husband and I conduct ourselves in a way as
to not risk even a "friendly" play bite on anyone which is how many ferrets
end up being confiscated here.
What a stupid law, huh?!  Anyway, thanks again for the kind words and for
some of you out there, I know your main point was of concern and not
attacking me.  Hopefully, I have shed a little light on how serious I take
this dumb law and the precautions I DO take.
[Posted in FML issue 2718]