A short time ago I posted a story which listed some strange happenings
with my computer and a fert with the telephone cord.  I also made mention
of a group called the FLO or Ferret Liberation Organization.  At this time
I wish to file a retraction.
I have never heard of, nor is there any such group as the FLO.  My ferts
have never heard of Captain Casey, Sergeant Sarge, nor ever visited the
FLO Command Post.
The story was strictly fictitious and fabricated in the warped mind of a
silly hooman, errrr human.  Any references to any FLO is to be disregarded.
Sign me
The Mismatched Sock Guy
<Okay guys - I posted the retraction, left 200lbs of raisins in the
designated spot, 20 gals of Ferret-tone was sent to the shelter you named
in your demands . . ummm - REQUEST, and dumped the "Killer Bubble Stuff"
down the toilet.  Now can I get back my wallet, cell phone, car keys, and
socks ??????>
[Posted in FML issue 2717]