Hi guys!
Luke awwived today an' joined in all de games.  He said de all You Can Eat
Waisin Bar is de best!
Crystal's here, pwayin' in de Packing Peanut Porch.  She's havin' a gweat
time wiv Apollo showin' her all de fun things ta do.
Shadra's welaxin' after pwayin' wiv her old fwiends Kizra and Slinky in de
Zoom Room.
Shadow foun' de tubin' park.  She's too busy to stop wong enough tjo do
more dan say 'hi'!
Dey all wan'ed to tell dere mom's an' dad's hi an' dey wuv dem.
Wook out, here comes de gwoop pwayin' tag....it's Pauly, Chase (he wives up
to his name) an' Niki, Dinah an' Goliath too.
I hope dey keep away fwom my CheWeasels. Better go!
Buh Bye!
Visit some of my fwiends!
[Posted in FML issue 2716]