My Snow has been having a bit of diarrhea over the last day or so, nothing
to warrant a vet visit yet (yes he will be seeing the vet if he begins to
act sick or his stool doesn't firm up in a day or so).  He certainly
doesn't seem to think it's a problem, as he is playful and active as ever,
and is well hydrated.
I've been supplementing his food consumption with some Bob C's miracle
gravy (which he loves).  I also started him on some Pepto Bismal to clear
things up more quickly and ease any discomfort he might have.  I'm pretty
sure it's a stomach flu of sorts, as he is the only one out of my four with
a problem and I myself had the same symptoms most of yesterday.  (maybe it
was just a sympathy thing, but I sure don't think so.)
My question was, how to do you dose the pepto when you are using the tabs?
He has no problem taking it crushed up in some Ferretvite, and I've only
been giving a quarter tab crushed, three times a day.  Can you measure a
dry powder in cc's like liquids?  Searching the archives didn't really
answer my question, so hopefully someone can enlighten me.
Robynn and the Fuzzilicious Foursome
[Posted in FML issue 2716]