Hi all,
I`d like to thank everyone once again, who gave me advice on Dylan's
problem (the Cushings thing) As of yet it`s still undecided what is
actually going on with him, his wounds are healing and his still fit and
well :o)  As long as this continues, i`m going to just keep a close eye
on him.
My vet did ask me a question though, she asked me to ask all of you (the
ones that know, at least) what Lupron is?  This, i think - was one of the
drugs a couple of you mentioned for use in adrenal problems, but my vet has
never heard of it.  Unfortunately at this stage my vet hasn`t been able to
find another vet in the UK who has ever performed an adrenalectemy(sp?)
successfully.  One vet she does know of, has only performed this surgery
twice and sadly both ferrets died :o( So, if this Lupron can offer some
hope at this time, to ferrets in the UK who are having adrenal problems -
that would be a wonderful advancement :o)
Please if anyone could enlighten me, with as many details as possible, i
can pass the info. on to my vet.
Thanks so much everyone - you are doing a great job of further educating
the vets this side of the pond ;o)
Best wishes,
Jane, Harvey, Katy, Casper, Phoebe, Emil, Dylan, Annie, Clara &
the 11 squeakers
                                         ^. .^
                             ICQ #  40441875
[Posted in FML issue 2716]