My ferretgirl (an only child) Felicia and I just got back from the vet and
I have a medical question, if anyone has any ideas.
Since Felicia has seemed to perk up in energy during these summer months,
we've been letting her free-roam most of the time for the past few months.
She's been very healthy and energetic, has been very playful, and is awake
every few hours during both the day and night, playing, exploring, lick
lick lick CHOMPing behind my knees at 3 a.m, etc.
Yesterday I noticed that she spent most of her day sleeping in a pair of my
sweatpants in my bedroom.  Yesterday evening I went on my regular "evening
rounds" to clean up her poop from the day, but I couldn't find ANY.  I put
her in her cage for the night so that I could monitor her water and food
intake and litterbox usage.  By this morning, she had drunk a little bit of
water, but had eaten hardly anything and there was still no poop.  When I
let her out of the cage, she backed into four different corners within 10
minutes and seemed to try to poop but nothing happened.  She then crawled
into my sweatpants and went right back to sleep.
I rushed her to my vet right away and told her that I thought Felicia might
have an intestinal blockage.  My vet took her temperature, and lo and
behold, when she took the thermometer out of Felicia's rear, Felicia pooped
a little.  My vet said that the poop looked normal and that there didn't
appear to be a blockage, but that Felicia had a temperature of 105 and
probably has a cold or flu.
I just gave her the first dose of her antibiotics (she took it like a good
girl) and tucked her into a warm blanket in her cage, where she fell asleep
right away.  I'm keeping an eye on her food and water intake and the vet
gave me a version of duck soup and a syringe in case she won't eat her
***But when we first got home from the vet's, the first thing she did was
back into a corner, try to poop, and again, NOTHING HAPPENED.  Does anyone
have any ideas as to why she's doing this and why nothing happens?***
I'm worried about my baby.  For a little furball who weighs 2 lbs, she has
about 2 tons worth of love and charm in her.
Thanks for any advice or insights!  I'm a wreck :-o My friends think I'm
weird, but I actually like picking up her poop because it tells me she's
eating well :-)
[Posted in FML issue 2716]