Hi everyone,
Just wanted to put in my two cents worth about Marshal Farms and how early
they alter the ferrets and send them on their way.  I am a holding house
for a rescue who is over capacity.  We took in a little girl under a year
of age who had and enlarged vulva.  We were pretty sure that is wasn't
adrenal because all the signs weren't there.  Sure enough after exploratory
surgery, she had 3/4 of her uterus still inside of her with a raging
infection.  I don't believe that the demand is so great for these little
loves that they can't wait a little longer before altering them so things
like this don't happen.  If we would have waited any longer to have her
looked at she would have been dead.  I think it is totally senseless and
needless for something like this to happen.
[Posted in FML issue 2716]