In the Seattle Post Intelligencer there's a comic strip of the name given
above that features the misadventures of a ferret named Angus.
Angus, while hitchhiking to Laramie to attend a ferret convention (the
Black-footed native American wild ferret convention?), was picked up by
two men in a convertible.
The driver of the car is lamenting the fact, with a chicken bone sticking
out of his mouth, that "We're almoth outta chicken."
Angus, in the back seat of the convertible, is seeming jarred by the
implication that he may be next on the menu now that the chicken is all
Now, this is the first time that anyone I know has ever contemplated eating
a ferret.
That comes as quite a shock, doesn't it?
Now, as a squirrel hunter in days gone by in Maryland and Virginia, I have
eaten many a squirrel that I've shot out of the trees with my Winchester .22
rifle in the first light of many a freezing autumn dawn.  And roasted
squirrel is very, very good eating, as any squirrel hunter can tell you.
Soooo, noting the similarity of body structure and musculature of the
ferret in comparison to the squirrel, hmmm yes these two animals are nearly
the same.  Dare I wonder, "out loud," so to speak, if a ferret would also
be good eating?
Note however, that in the earliest version of the King James Bible, it is
strictly forbidden to eat a ferret.  God says that's a "no-no."  For human
beings that is.  The badger, coyote, lynx, cougar, fox, wolf, raptor birds
of prey, and even a bear will kill and eat a ferret when they can catch
one, so I guess they must be "tasty" to these animals.
Hmmmm.  Makes me wonder?  How about you?
Edward Lipinski . . . always thinking, thinking, thinking.
[Posted in FML issue 2715]