Hello everyone!  I have a question/favor to ask.  Could someone please
post (or send me privately) the address for the ferrettails mailing list?
I saw it around a week or so ago and forgot to write it down.  I do enjoy
receiving it, and miss it.
I'm glad to hear that people were planning to come to the rodeo.  I agree
with Rick, those vendors missed out on a lot of business.  Utah is a pretty
place to visit.  When the damn freeways get finished from the "destruction"
for the 2002 Olympics, you'll even be able to travel decently again.  LOL!.
Well, Ricky Ricardo finally finished cutting up the new carpet for the
babies cages.  I have only been asking him to do this for over two months.
(But then, there are still Christmas decorations in the back of the mini
van that I've asked him to take to storage since January.......why should
I be surprised.........) He asked me "For why the ferrets still smell when
you just cleaned their cage?" My response: "Well, honey, remember when you
told me that the carpet would keep the ferrets from smelling better than
their blankets did?  I told you it would be better for their little feet,
but as far as smell, well..........." I mean, really, can you throw carpet
(regular variety, like they put on your floor) in the washer?  How much
Fabreeze can one spray on something before it becomes a) unhealthy and b)
unable to be helped anymore.
So, I am leaving work early today to clean cages again and replace carpet
now that it's cut and give those babies a bath.  I also need to take time
to hook up my new scanner.  I've had the damn thing for over a week and
still haven't hooked it up.  Things have been insane.
Everyone say a prayer for Millie and Ammonia that the dear little one comes
home soon.  I agree with her that the not knowing is worse than the
knowing.  You know, things can just happen no matter how hard you try to
keep those you love safe.  )Look at those poor people in Colorado.  How
many of those parents thought that by sending their children to school they
would be putting them into danger?  None, I'll bet.) You can only protect
those you love from so much.  Millie, you do an excellent job with your
babies.  I do look forward to reading your posts again.  My prayers be with
you and Ammonia.
Catherine, Pato, Snowball, Hubert and Elsie
"Behind The Zion Curtain"
[Posted in FML issue 2714]