Hello all,
Firstly, my condolences for all that have lost their fuzzies recently.  I
am relatively new to the list and have decided to come out of lurkdom to
ask a question.  I have one ferret named Trekkie who is insulinomic and
possibly has lymphoma (swollen lymph glands).  I didn't get a biopsy of the
lymph glands because I didn't want to treat her with Chemotherapy as she is
going to be 8 years old next month.  Trekkie has been on prednisolone for a
year and has been getting 1/4 of a tablet 2x a day.  Her energy level is
still not that great though and I was wondering when / if I should put her
on proglycem in addition to the pred.  My vet has not been very optimistic
with her prognosis.  (On mother's day she said it could be within the next
2 weeks...)
Trekkie appears to be fine though....I swear she has 9 lives.  She is
eating mashed up Marshall's with water because she has difficulty chewing
and swallowing.  I add Brewer's Yeast 2x a day.  If anyone has any thoughts
about the proglycem issue or anything else that I might try, please email.
I didn't want to do the surgery because of her age and duration of the
Also, I know someone mentioned hiccuping ferrets...Trekkie seems to do that
after every meal lately but I'm not sure what it means.  Any thoughts or
advice would be much appreciated.  Thanks!
--Marissa and her singleton ferret, Trekkie
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[Posted in FML issue 2713]