Thanks to all who have written me and given me some great advice.  It all
seems to be pretty much across the board, so I am assuming that the info
is pretty much on the money...
I have a doctor's appointment with our VET on Monday (no illnesses, just
regular stuff for heart worm meds, etc.) and I now have a whole page full
of ideas and suggestions for him to help me with.
I had a few folks ask about the itchy shot that Sola got and Monday is the
one month check up for that.  I will find out what the specific drug was
used and post it because a few folks wanted to know about it.
I realized after the fact that I accidentally wrote insulinoma when I
should have referenced adrenal disease when talking about losing hair at
the base of her tail.  I really did mean to write adrenal disease, but
was thinking of a million things at once...
Just for the record, the pulling of the nails through the teeth always
immediately follows the head rubbing thing when they first wake up.  I have
never seen them do it otherwise.  (Not to say they don't do it when they
groom out of my sight!)
Again, ferret people seem to be a great bunch of people who have a common
care and I am glad I found you all.  You are all like an extended family.
Thanks to all and sorry I didn't do all personal replies.  I tried, but I
got so many responses, I gave up and decided to post to the FML again.
Also, Mike Janke wrote about his wife calling the head rubbing thing "doing
the cute thing, again."  It seems that alot of people feel the same way
about it. =-)
Finally, I turned my toilet paper over so it unrolled over the top and the
fuzzies had a BLAST jumping up, grabbing the paper, and unraveling it with
much fervor and relish.  I think, I actually heard them giggle!
Kiss the fuzzies whilst they sleep for they may dook on your head
April and the four furry creatures of doom !! <<2 ferts, a dog and a fert
wannabe cat>>  (Just saw the movie, the Mummy and it was SUPERB!  4 paws
[Posted in FML issue 2697]