Tim, ferrets pawing at their mouths and foaming usually indicate a stomach
problem.  Coupled with lack of appetite I would think a blockage is the
cause.  I would get out your credit card and get a Barium swallow and
series of xrays done, to see if anything shows up.
My Phantom started vomiting on Fri.  I thought maybe it was just a stomach
ache from stealing some of my melon, but by Sun. when pepto bismal, duck
soup and pedialyte made no difference, except to make him cry and paw more
at his mouth, I knew we had to do the vet thing.  After IV fluid support
and a barium series Phantom passed on his own, a piece of sponge, probably
from the mop.  He spent that night at the Emerg. clinic and the next day
at my vet to receive more fluids.  Another xray was done and showed only
food in his stomach.  So $500 later he's home and recovering nicely.
To people in general....
I'm not rich.  In fact, I'm on leave from work right now, but 'owning' a
pet means doing whatever it takes to care for that pet for the rest of it's
life.  Even if that means giving up that pet if you won't part with the
money to care for it.  You have to do whatever it takes to keep your pet
from suffering.
[Posted in FML issue 2712]