She will be going in for adrenal surgery on the 23rd.
She is our 7yro MF Black Sable and my oldest baby.  She has been subrogate
mother to our other four since we brought them home.
Doris, 3yro MF Black Sable, is permanently cripple in the hind legs but
does not let that slow her down.  She is a real hoot dragging a stuffed
toy bigger that she is with just her front legs.
I redesigned their cage to include walls on the ramps to keep her from
falling.  I used a 1/2"x1/2" coated wire mesh that I bought to build sugar
glider cages with.  I also used it to cover the floors.  They really seem
to like the firmer surface to walk on.  Ramps where also replace with the
coated mesh.
[Posted in FML issue 2712]