Hey guys!
I've been pwayin' in de Packin' Peanut Porch - what fun!  Tommy took a wook
awoun' de pwace an' has taken over de Ice Bobbin'.  I t'ink he wikes to get
his head wet <chortle>
Binky was all weady to scwap wiv ev'ryone, bu' den saw de Underwear Bear
an' has ben stealin' underwear ever since.
Yikes has been here a while, and sends big -->waves<-- to his mom!  He's
been pwetty busy, so I don' see him much <chortle> he's too busy pwayin'!
Farley's havin' fun too.  He's taken a weal wikin' to de wrestlin' matches
<dookdook>  He wikes to woll over on who he's wrestlin' wiv to win!  He
hasn' seen de Ferretone Fwood yet, bu' doesn' have wong to wait till he
gets a chance to see it!
Oooh, it's comin' now! I've gotta go now...
Buh Bye!
Visit some of my fwiends!
[Posted in FML issue 2674]