>From:    Richard and Katharine <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Heartworms
>I use Interceptor also.  I would be interested in how you administer it.
>I crush the pill and mix it with NutriCal and let them lick it off my
>fingers.  I can't imagine getting them to actually take a pill.  How do
>you give it to them?
>Also, just a dumb question.  I give the Interceptor on the first of each
>month.  I understand it should be given every 30 days.  Does it matter
>that sometimes it's 31 (or 28 for that matter)?
Two of mine get the whole pill, uncrushed, in a blob of nutrical.  Yeah,
sometimes they manage to eat the nutrical and spit out the pill (how do
they do that?), but it usually goes down the second time around.
Beasley, who is hypoglycemic, cannot have nutrical so I crush it up and mix
it into a small amount of his soft diet.  Then I feed him that from a
syringe to make sure he gets ever bit of it.
Dr. K would be more qualified to answer the 28/31 day vs.  30 day question,
but in my totally unqualified opinion, a few days plus or minus is not
going to make a lick of difference.
For the ferrets,
* Michael F. Janke, [log in to unmask]
* Secretary, South Florida Ferret Club & Rescue
* A 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation
* Visit our shelter's web site:  http://www.miamiferret.org
* Visit the Adrenal/Insulinoma web site: http://www.miamiferret.org/FHC
[Posted in FML issue 2681]