I am looking for some assistance.  I will be moving to Galveston, TX by
mid-August and I am looking for a respectable, dependable, and knowledge
ferret vet in that area or perhaps in southern Houston area.  Where I live
now I have one of the best vets around (I think) and will probably return
to her for yearly vaccinations.  What I need is a vet I can turn to for
My Farley had a low glucose reading back around Xmas but subsequent fasting
glucoses over the past five months have shown him to be in the normal
range.  He is approaching 5 and I want a vet I can quickly turn to if
medication is needed.  At his age I do feel surgery would be the best
thing.  Plus I want the vet for other mishaps.
Thank you for your assistance.  You can respond via the FML or to me
Farley, Bailey, Osborn, Domino
[Posted in FML issue 2678]