There is now a jpg file of the wall quilt which can be forwarded to those
who are interested in the new fund raiser for Ferret Wise.  Unfortunately,
it may be a while before it is on the web site -- so for those who would
like to see it-- I will forward directly via email.
Order forms are available also please send your request and a SASE to:
Ferret Wise - wall quilt, PO Box 561, Marlborough, NH  03455-0561
Special needs placement sought_
Casper FerretWise a silver 2 year 3 month ferret needs a home of his own.
Casper arrived at Ferret Wise starving to death-- the result of stomach
blockage.  He also had a sever intestinal infection the result of the
blockage and malnutrition.  We have given Casper love, surgery, medications
and he now seeks a SINGLE ferret HOME-- Casper also requires a LOT of out
of the cage time-- or preferably a free roaming environment.  If you reside
within commuting distance and feel you can give Casper the love and home he
requires please email us and arrange an appointment to meet him!
for Ferret Wise
[Posted in FML issue 2678]