And lo, on that day, William Killian was known to enscribe:
>Verified lung damage?  As far as I know the warnings about cedar and
>pine chips are extrapolations from studies about people in saw mills.
>Are you sure that there is lung damage and that it is from the store?
While I can't speak for lung damage, I /do/ know for a fact that wood
bedding for ferrets is a Bad Thing (tm).
My first ferret, Ebisneezer Scrooge, lived in a pet store near Cary, North
Carolina, for a couple of weeks.  He was put in wood bedding, and developed
breathing trouble, and sneezed constantly.  It was so bad, the pet store
was getting ready to put him down!
Fortunatly, my friend Caity, who has a huge heart, rescued him.  Away from
the woodchips, he recovered quickly, and now, despite his name, the Sneeze
doesn't sneeze any more than the average ferret.
Wood chips are /bad/.
December's rules for a happier life #14:
Pillage *BEFORE* you burn.
 Regan S. Pylman                                 [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2677]