You guys are so wonderful.  I have been working 6 days a week for months
now, and I am so tired much of the time.  It was hard just doing every
little thing today[nonstop for 10 hours except for 15 minute break.] And
then I get on line and find I have over 50 responses from people.  I truly
cannot imagine a more special bunch of people, whether we agree on
something or not.  I just sat here crying.  If I can't make Bobs chicken
delight now, no one can.  Thank you all very much.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As far as PETCO- they are selling rabbits here. :-(  They are long droopy
eared pretty ones.  Also, this year the birth certificate of the fert has
changed.  I wouldn't get an individual certificate now.  They come as group
certificates, and no one but the manager knew anything about it, or the age
of ferts, or how to care for them It was a whole new group from Dec.  of
1998.  This could be a response to the very well written letters to PETCO
that some of us shared with one another.  There can't be a problem with age
if no one knows what it is anymore.
As far as Chewy and PETCO, the manager of the store told me the damage was
from cedar.  I called there every day to see how Chewy was doing.  Someone
else said vet said it was from cedar who went and asked for me while I
waited on phone.  Manager said the staff was new and didn't know any
better.  Sadly, the staff is new about every three months there.
Emergency vet took x-rays and showed me permanent damage on x-rays, though
I don't know what she saw.  I was there for hours.He had already been there
and normal vets at least once every two weeks for several months with same
problem and fever.  Chewy is now on the nebulizer every night for 15
minutes or he ends up with harsh constant bark and wheezy breathing.  I
boil huge pot of water for him every day, and stick him in bathroom with me
when I take shower or bath.I also purchased a large ionizer/air purifier
Hepa filter system for him, and have placed it right next to his cage.  We
have it on every evening after he is tucked in.[I feel better saying"we"
after I spend a fortune on a 3 pound pooping machine that puts holes in my
new carpet and is STILL too dumb to know his name!!!]
If PETCO says problem was cedar from PETCO---and that is what they said--
then I guess problem was from keeping fert in cedar at PETCO.  If vet says
x-rays show permanent lung damage- and she did---then I guess they do.
That is all I can tell you.No expert here.
Euthanizing ferrets not here?  Come now.  You guys tell me other shelters
not just for ferts do that the same day.  And Mary from FAIR sent letters
to all of us to ask us if she thought we should start euthanizing cause she
had the 70 some ferts that were old or on meeds or had adrenal problems and
no one was taking any home.  She could either be selective in what she took
in, euthenize the old and sick; or close down and take the unwanted home
with her.
She loves ferts.  Didn't want to euthanize.  But only volunteers were
taking sick ferts, and only a few.  She is stuck with 50 some sick ferts at
this moment.  How many of you are going to do that?
Shelters are closing as ferts are becoming more popular.I do not have a
crystal ball.  But I see more people throwing their ferts in the woods, or
out on the street, or dumping them any place they can.Zen-- I just don't
see things the way you do.  I hope with all of my heart that I am wrong.
Thank you all Very much again.
[Posted in FML issue 2677]