Ferret math, me?!? NEVER!
*Yeah, right....*
Well, guess what, yup, struck me too.  I am owned by an only fuzzy named
Hershey and happened to rescue a wonderful, if emotionally neglected, fuzzy
named Gus.  He has a blaze that sticks up on his head like a ridge.  He has
never met another ferret before and is quite the snugglefuzzy with humans.
Well, I fell in love and decided to keep him.  He is slowly accepting the
reality that there are other fuzzies in the world beside him.  Hershey is
quite patient and willing to let him be.  My house is big enough for these
two guys, and things seem to be slowly working out.  However, there is a
slight problem...
Gus (now Gustifer) is quite ill.  He has stopped eating.  Now, I am
attributing most of this to traumatic stress.  Quite understandable
considering what this guy has been through the past few days.  I have begun
with the liquid feedings and this ferret is healthy enough that I am
confident we will make it through the fear stage.
It is his belly that worries me.  Supposedly, he has allergies and the
allergies have given him a rash on his belly.  The rash looks like a
reddish-brown stain that forms a line from his rectum to his penis shaft.
Then he has some red spots and scabs and no hair on the rest of his belly.
He was on pred, but it wasn't really solving the problem, only the symptoms
(and even that wasn't doing a very good job).  I have had this baby for a
few days, and unless he does most of the damage while I am at work, I have
NEVER ONCE seen him scratch or lick his belly.  Which makes me wonder if it
is really allergies.
So, my question is...has anyone had any experience with a ferret that shows
these symptoms?  Anyone out there know of any natural remedies for skin
rashes aside from oatmeal?
Also, this is a year-round thing.  Mold is the only allergin around all
year (especially prominent in a basement).  Mold is a good possibility,
since this ferret spent 99% of his time in a cage in the basement. Aside
from that, we only have his bedding or his food as other possible
allergins.  If it is an allergy.
Bedding I can work on, unless it is the Formaldehyde in the carpet.  I
can't rip the carpet up in my townhouse.  As far as his food is concerned,
has anyone EVER heard of a ferret being allergic to chicken (he is
*currently* eating Purina Cat Chow - main ingredient is poultry
by-products, though, just like TF) or any other food?
One more thought:  If I understand the previous owners correctly, this did
not begin until they left him in the care of other people for a year while
they went abroad.  When they came back, the ferret was near death from
improper care.  The owners nursed him back to health, but never could do
anything about the belly.  Any possible connections are beyond my
understanding, but maybe there is one...
Any help getting this baby healed would be greatly appreciated.
Paige (gotta love them)
Hershel Noel Wonka (Momma, why won't he let me sniff him???)
Gustifer Furritus Mohawkins (What the?.....wow, she hugs me.....What
the?!...wow, she hugs me...What the?!?...wow...etc, etc)
Mine is not to judge, mine is to rescue.
Wanna adopt an adult fuzzy, or a cute kit?  Click on the link above to find
out how!
[Posted in FML issue 2677]