Some random thoughts about recent posts...
Flea season...
PLEASE don't experiment with flea products on your ferret.  They are very
sensitive little creatures!  (ferrets, not fleas :-) If you need to use
something, ask your vet about Advantage.  It sounds expensive but it really
isn't--a couple of drops lasts a long time.  Even Advantage can bother some
ferrets.  Look for products that are kitten safe, but don't believe
manufacturer's claims--check with a FERRET KNOWLEDGEABLE vet.
Along those lines...VACCINE REACTIONS...
A lot of vets PRE-TREAT with benadryl before giving a vaccination--this is
a lot safer than waiting for a reaction to happen!!  Encourage your vet to
learn about this procedure if it isn't something they are already doing.
Also, I always try to separate the rabies and distemper vaccinations by at
least a couple of weeks.  That way, if your ferret does have a reaction,
you will know which vaccine he/she is reacting to.  Vaccines are
STRONG--separating them by a couple of weeks is easier on your ferret too.
Brookline MA vet--
Dr. Yvonne Oppenheim of Oak Hill Vet Hospital in Brookline MA comes highly
recommended.  Which is good, because there aren't a whole lot of ferret
knowledgeable vets out there!
Some thoughts on Petco:
>Do I think that we will ever see a day when ferrets are not sold in pet
>stores?  No.
It is my understanding that Petco does not sell CATS, DOGS, or RABBITS due
to a lot of pressure from people who care about cats, dogs and rabbits.
There is no doubt in my mind that if many ferret owners got together and
pressured pet stores not to sell ferrets that it would make a big
difference.  Maybe not today or tomorrow, but eventually.  I personally
would be happy if some day it required a bit of time and effort to adopt a
ferret.  When people stop seeing those cute little babies in pet stores,
the demand for ferrets will go WAY down.
>I purchase products from the many, many pet *supply* stores that do not
>sell/exploit animals.  They too are available in your town.
I will also go out of my way to shop at pet supply only stores whenever I
can.  YOU as a consumer make a difference where you shop, no matter what
it's for.  Whatever issue you care about, YOU can make a difference by your
actions.  Conscious shopping is one way to make a difference in the world.
Don't let anyone tell you that your actions don't count!
-- Ronnie
Ralphie, Harry, Prince Charming, Merlin, Roxanne, Petunia, Epcot and
Clover's mom in Mass.
[Posted in FML issue 2677]