Took all 4 fuzzes out last night and let them dig and snorkel in the grass,
my yard, that I know has no chemicals.  They got taken out two at a
time.  Well,you try walking 4 at a time.  They enjoyed their safari and
like most tourists, some were serious about having fun and some didn't care
to work so hard at it.Taz is very serious when it comes to digging to
China, maybe he heard they had a lot of raisins there.  Honey is a serious
nose shoveler.The others would dig and then shift the loose dirt out of
their way, but Honey would shovel it up and out with her nose, consequently
doing a lot of nose clearing, by way of sneezing.
Jasmine was a not so hard working type, she just slithered through the
grass till she found a good spot and caught the last of the rays.Well,she
does turn five years old Sat.  Sugar just slithered and slithered and.....
well,you get the point.  Honey did make the mistake of standing behind Taz
when he was excavating.  She got covered in dirt, and then snorkeled under
his tummy, which must have tickled as he jumped.  It was nice to spend the
waning hours of the day watching the silly fuzzies.The kids next door
thought they were pretty funny too.
I'm very relieved.  My daughter made it through her surgery just fine, no
results yet, but at least that's over.  It's nice having another daughter
that's a nurse to stay with her.  The boogers were glad to finally get out
to dig.  They like it when I have enough time for outside excursions.  Love
your fuzzies today, for tomorrow they may dig holes in your flower bed.
Sandy (Having fun guys?)
Jasmine (No autographs please.)
Taz(Dig,dig,dig to China.)
Honey (Dirt snuff,yum.)
Sugar (Was that a worm?)
[Posted in FML issue 2677]