>I am definitely going to have to make him a blanket out of silky polyester.
>Anybody else have ferrets that prefer certain fabrics??
Hi Stephanie--Chimi is not alone in his love for slinky fabrics.  I have a
huge square silk scarf that I used as sort of a dust cover for my computer.
I had left it one the floor one day, and soon noticed the scarf moving
across the floor and into Felicia's favorite sleeping corner.  Within
minutes, she had rolled herself up in it and all I could see was a
breathing ball of silk.  Such the queenly fuzzie, having a silk daybed.
Needless to say, I've let her keep it.  (I'm far from immune from her big
pleading eyes.  sigh)
I also have a long silk robe that she loves just as much.  If I lay it down
on the floor, she'll dash up to it, dance on top of it and around it, and
roll and wriggle around on her back on it.  If I dangle the robe, she'll
run and make a spread-eagled flying leap towards it, grab it and hang onto
it with all four legs.  It's the funniest thing.
I never thought that furballs would have such good taste in fabrics!  I'm
also not ruling out the possibility that she plays "dress up" when I'm not
looking... I've just realized that my lipsticks have all disappeared
Helen & the War-dancing Queen Felicia
[Posted in FML issue 2675]