Re: Ferret Photos
>Might I suggest a digital camera?  I know the initial cost seems
>prohibitive, but the amount you save in film developing over the long
>run ...
A bit of a digression from pure ferret discussion but since many of us have
ferret webpages it might be of interest.....
Yeah....I know about digital cameras. (See my email address. ;)   I even
borrowed one once from work for a weekend to see what they were like.  (I
do believe the pic of Pippi on our website was taken via that digital
camera.)  Even though both my husband and myself are quite computer
inclined, we are holding off on buying a digital camera until the price
point and features are such that we feel it is a good investment - given
that we already own two excellent 35mm cameras and a pretty decent scanner.
I agree, however, digital cameras are excellent investments for people who
don't have 35mm cameras and scanners like we do.  Especially for taking
pictures of uncooperative ferrets!!  I don't know how many butt or back
of the head shots I have. ;)
If you are interested in learning about digital photography, there are
informational webpages at (I am not
advertising for my employer.  It's just a good site with lots of helpful
Re: crawling babies
>We have a baby due in the middle of June, and though I know that this won't
>be a problem then, it will be when the baby starts creeping.  Does anyone
>have any helpful hints that have worked?  When we use litter boxes they
>just roll in it and throw the pellets everywhere, if they do poop in them
Our little guy is 4.5 months old and is actively rolling back and forth
from back to the belly.  Crawling is only a matter of time.  We have yet
to figure out how we are going to handle the boxes, the ferrets, and Robin
when starts crawling.  When we do, I'll post our "findings" here! :)
Congrats and good luck!
Re: Going to college and ferrets
Our youngest fuzz-demon, Rosie, came to us because her owner went off to
college and left his ferret home.  His mother did not like or want the
ferret at all.  (She brought her to the woman we got Rosie from in a pillow
case.)  Rosie had been handled quite a bit and I feel bad for her previous
owner since I'm guessing he cared for her quite a bit and probably didn't
know or expect his mother to ditch his ferret like that.  He was, however,
a bit thoughtless in getting a ferret when he knew he would be going to
college very shortly and he wasn't going to take her with him.
I wish there was a way to encourage people to consider pets as a long term
relationship.  That way they would think about things like college and
housing before ever getting one and abandoning it like Rosie.
-kim, squirt (this is my good side), pippi (photograph me is you can!),
 atlas (A centerfold wanna be), jinx (bats her eyes), and Rosie (ZOOM!)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 2674]