Below is the reference to what the shot is.  Yes, vet's can do the spay
while they are in heet.  It is a bit more risky.  If they are underweight,
please do not even consider the hob alternative as it could kill them.
See below for the hormone shot
From my file on Jills --- heet and the shot
Margie: Sorry for the delay in responding, but we've had problems with
getting onto the Internet all weekend.  For future reference for you and
your vet, the hormone shot is HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadtrophin).  Not
100% sure on the spelling, and not even a guess at the dose, but feel free
to contact our vet Dr. Lux at 314-638-5756 for more info.
-----Original Message-----
>... Just need some info on jills in heat.  I just got 2 surrendered to me
>today, I hadn't seen them first.  They're under weight and in raging heat,
>their vulvas are HUGE.  I feel so bad for them, scared for me, and glad
>they're here now.
Can vets spay females when they're in heat?
Do they need a V-hob?
A shot to bring them out first?
I want to get them done ASAP.  It makes me sick to see them like this.  Any
advice?  If you still have my vets fax # could you also send him the info?
This is urgent!
Hope all is well with you and all the shelter babies.  I will be unable to
foster any time soon, but am hoping my vet will give me the same discount
he said he'd give to 'us'.  I'm currently fostering 9, week old pups of an
unknown breed, that were found in a park.  I got them through the LHS and
was on the news, much to my unshowered dismay.
Please send me info about the girls as soon as you can.
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[Posted in FML issue 2673]