Hello Skeeter,
I have read your wonderful messages for a long time now.  However, today I
need your help.  I lost Farley yesterday in an accident and I want to make
sure he made it over the Bridge.  Would you look out for him for a while?
He was just a year old and I don't want him to be lonely.  He never did
like like raisins but he loved Ferretone.  He was a beautiful 3lb 4oz dark
eyed white, and my first fert.  He cuddled and loved the most, and although
he never kissed me, he would press his little nose to mine in a butterfly
Please let him know that I will never forget him or stop loving him, even
though I will get another to stop my tears, he will never be replaced.
Thank you
Kirioth and the lonely three.
[Posted in FML issue 2673]